Ultimo Aggiornamento venerdì 21 Febbraio 2025, 10:29
Ago 08, 2010 Attualità, World Wide
Many times these pages have been the starting spot for explicit attacks towards music’s current status quo, the decay of quality and the disrepair of musical education for young generations. We believe in this ideas, and we will keep them on our banner, and meanwhile we keep hoping this lethargy will come to an end and keep working towards that direction. In consistency with this position of ours, with this article we are going to put under the spot-light the fact that there still are some “happy islands” which keep nourishing this art in a way that is as accurate as – for this very reason – anachronistic, and its fruits should be picked and jelously kept by all those people who, as well as the person who is writing, direct their efforts towards the re-discovery of this (almost) lost treasure.
It takes just an effort of will to rise above the haze (thick but only ethereal actually) of the artificial musical products by the offer of which our ears are constantly chased. All we need is to clear our minds, and here we are, above the world and all its advertisements.
Nothing but silence around us, together with the space in which we can take care of our concentration and our imagination. We just have to take a look around, and direct our sight wherever we want to: in Ireland, for example. We fly lower, without paying attention to the haze which now has no more effect on us, and with the only power of our thoughts and the support of the Internet we get to Dublin, with no need to take the ferry from Liverpool.
Here, in Yeats’s hometown, which forever will live in the hearts of James Joyce’s readers, lives a man, Michael McGlynn, and his creature as well, which is turning more and more from being a simple happy island to being a real world: Anuna.
A group of singers, both men and women, creating a musical choir that is absolutely unique and among the most interesting ones in the world.
Enrico de Zottis
happy wheelsNov 27, 2024 0
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